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≡ [PDF] Gratis Torpedo Junction Rommel the Ocean Fox in the Pacific eBook Sourdough Jackson

Torpedo Junction Rommel the Ocean Fox in the Pacific eBook Sourdough Jackson

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Download PDF  Torpedo Junction Rommel the Ocean Fox in the Pacific eBook Sourdough Jackson

In November, 1941, Commander Anson McDonald is suddenly transferred from a career in destroyers to a senior staff position in a carrier task force—just in time to be plunged into the U.S. Navy’s most desperate war. In this tale of what-if, he learns things he never knew about leadership as he assists his C.O., Rear-Admiral Erwin Rommel, the Ocean Fox, in dramatically changing the scenes of World War II’s Pacific Theater, with the help of intelligence office Lieutenant John Fitzgerald Kennedy, and under the watchful eye of war correspondent Edgar Rice Burroughs.

Torpedo Junction Rommel the Ocean Fox in the Pacific eBook Sourdough Jackson

This review avoids (I hope!) spoilers.

This book was nothing less than a delightful surprise that exceeded all my expectations. Only some VERY MINOR issues correspond with it being a first novel.

Mr. Jackson's deep and authoritative knowledge of the Naval War in the Pacific manifests itself throughout this engrossing and utterly believable voyage through alternate history. He very wisely works actual events, weapons and their effects into a narrative that kept this particular naval historian guessing, which I delighted to do!

I enjoyed a merry sense of humor in 'Easter eggs' for naval and speculative fiction buffs, I caught many and undoubtedly missed a few. He handles characterization and dialog quite well. Mr. Jackson pleasantly indulged in his prerogative as a writer in sparing the lives of many a fallen hero of the Great War and his BIGGEST indulgence of all--Erwin Rommel as an American admiral--is far more reasonable and believable than I had dared to hope it would be. And I am about as informed a reader as Mr. Jackson could hope for--or dread!

I devoured this monster in huge chunks, and have partly re-read it, finding only more to praise. Every time I had a criticism... 'Oh, they've gone too long without the unexpected happening,' 'Where are the 'Long Lance' torpedoes?' I found myself ambushed, and enjoying the experience. There are areas with which I should like to quarrel with Mr. Jackson over drinks, such as the efficacy of the British 15" naval rifle--but not a trace of regret in my investment of money and time.

The hiccups are minor--the problems with the command facilities of the Yorktown class are solved, if we ever build them again, there are some rather long diversions into the mechanics of WWII staffwork--but one gets through those, and back down to a version of WWII not really less probable and every bit as fascinating as the original course of events has proved.

I do not think those following my recommendation will chide me.

Product details

  • File Size 1214 KB
  • Print Length 549 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Thursday Night Press Ltd. (December 1, 2013)
  • Publication Date December 1, 2013
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B00670TEZ4

Read  Torpedo Junction Rommel the Ocean Fox in the Pacific eBook Sourdough Jackson

Tags : Torpedo Junction: Rommel the Ocean Fox in the Pacific - Kindle edition by Sourdough Jackson. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Torpedo Junction: Rommel the Ocean Fox in the Pacific.,ebook,Sourdough Jackson,Torpedo Junction: Rommel the Ocean Fox in the Pacific,Thursday Night Press Ltd.,FICTION Alternative History,FICTION War & Military
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Torpedo Junction Rommel the Ocean Fox in the Pacific eBook Sourdough Jackson Reviews

Torpedo Junction Rommel the Ocean Fox in the Pacific is an alternative history novel that represents the author's first foray into actual publication. It also seems to be the first in a series of books set in the same alternative reality. Like most first novels, the plot in this one is not as richly developed as one would like, but as a foundation for subsequent books it is certainly a good start. The book is founded on a fair-sized body of research, which looks to me to be quite detailed. There are a number of inside jokes (for the Science-Fiction crowd) and some insightful observations about one's naval career. Both of the principal characters are career naval officers, and neither is close to being Pug Henry, or, for that matter, Philip Francis Queeg. The book develops its alternative history around the beginning of World War II in the Pacific Ocean. Both my father and his older brother gave their youth to that war, and family legend confirms many of the small details of the book's research. One such detail (the use of Ducks vs. Kingfishers) has corrected family legend.

Nonetheless, there are a few nits to pick with the history. One is the Amateur Extra Class license. It was not created until long after the war. Another is the Navy Way. BuPers does not run the navy (the CNO does that) but it does run naval officers. That means that rear admirals don't give orders to fleet admirals or CincPac. The navy way is not hide-bound, at least not in the 1940's; it was and is clad in cast iron. The cavalier disregard for command structure shown throughout the book would never be tolerated in the real or any other navy. It does make for a good story, however.

In conclusion, I recommend this book to all. It is a ground-floor entry into what I hope becomes a very rich alternative history. As the author works to flesh out the history (read writes more books)this will become a serial in the tradition of the adventures of Woodrow Wilson Smith.
Good book.
Great Alternative History, Rommel's family moved to America in the 1880's and he becomes a navel officer and commands a fleet in WWII. Great action!!! Can't wait for the next book!!!
This is a very wordy book. It uses the viewpoint of one officer on the flagship and the battles are described only by him. It is very well researched.
I don't give out 5's because no book is perfect. So the 4 means that I really enjoyed the story. So much so that I let my wife have the TV remote one evening while I read it in my recliner. Having a great deal of knowledge regarding WWII I enjoyed the slight changes to real history to produce an alternative history with real characters. Good insight in too what goes on in an aircraft carriers bridge before, during and after an air battle. Hope to read more from this author!
This review avoids (I hope!) spoilers.

This book was nothing less than a delightful surprise that exceeded all my expectations. Only some VERY MINOR issues correspond with it being a first novel.

Mr. Jackson's deep and authoritative knowledge of the Naval War in the Pacific manifests itself throughout this engrossing and utterly believable voyage through alternate history. He very wisely works actual events, weapons and their effects into a narrative that kept this particular naval historian guessing, which I delighted to do!

I enjoyed a merry sense of humor in 'Easter eggs' for naval and speculative fiction buffs, I caught many and undoubtedly missed a few. He handles characterization and dialog quite well. Mr. Jackson pleasantly indulged in his prerogative as a writer in sparing the lives of many a fallen hero of the Great War and his BIGGEST indulgence of all--Erwin Rommel as an American admiral--is far more reasonable and believable than I had dared to hope it would be. And I am about as informed a reader as Mr. Jackson could hope for--or dread!

I devoured this monster in huge chunks, and have partly re-read it, finding only more to praise. Every time I had a criticism... 'Oh, they've gone too long without the unexpected happening,' 'Where are the 'Long Lance' torpedoes?' I found myself ambushed, and enjoying the experience. There are areas with which I should like to quarrel with Mr. Jackson over drinks, such as the efficacy of the British 15" naval rifle--but not a trace of regret in my investment of money and time.

The hiccups are minor--the problems with the command facilities of the Yorktown class are solved, if we ever build them again, there are some rather long diversions into the mechanics of WWII staffwork--but one gets through those, and back down to a version of WWII not really less probable and every bit as fascinating as the original course of events has proved.

I do not think those following my recommendation will chide me.
Ebook PDF  Torpedo Junction Rommel the Ocean Fox in the Pacific eBook Sourdough Jackson

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